Why Pouch?
The commercial auto insurance market is beset by an arduous sign-up process and rates based on who you are, not how you actually drive. Pouch bypasses the typical sign-up process, which can involve dozens of pages thick with indecipherable jargon, by delivering an instant quote and a clear path to purchase in just a few clicks. Customers provide basic info and Pouch can autofill the rest. At the same time, Pouch replaces the broad buckets that usually dictate rates with actual data about a customer’s driving behavior, offering lower rates for safer driving.
Free GPS vehicle tracking, the first of many rewards Pouch will offer, makes that possible. This software gives business owners more visibility over where their trucks and vans are located at any given time, whether drivers are following safe practices, and which driving routes are most efficient. The resulting analytics offer new insights on employee driving behavior that are key to training. With a closer eye on some of their most valuable assets, business owners can reduce risk and insurance rates.